Thursday, April 8, 2010

3rd day of industrial training: accident!!!

yesterday mornin on our way to fren that i was car pulling with..missed a turn..n wen she suddenly realised...she immediately turn to the turning..she din not realise a motor cycle...

oh no!!!! in split seconds..we heard a BOOM!! i turned behind and saw a scary scene....we have knocked down a guy...almost 40 i think....immediately we rushed down to c...n he was very annoyed because he met in an accident a few weeks having go tru all again was crap!!! sorry!

luckily...there were a few kind malaysians :) they stopped by to help..n a mechanic who passed by helped us with the fren chose not to make a police we decided to settle it on our own...tru mutual understanding...

1st step: exchange particulars

i/c num, full name n vehicle num plate is very important!

2nd step: rush the injured one to the hospital

we paid for the medical bill too :( RM62

3rd step: repair the damages caused

we had to pay RM220!!!
4th step: make a police report (if its not a mutual understanding)

we skipped this...yay~!

our victim was kinda agressive n annoying in the end..jus because we were in the wrong..he used us to the max...we were like his maid...his driver...ahhhhhh...

we had to fetch him to a 7-11 to buy him top up

we had to fetch him to his favorite restaurant to tapau lunch!

isn't that a little to much????? gerammmm nyer..but jus because we were in the wrong..we jus followed his orders la...grrrr!!!!

lessons learnt: we should b more careful on the road... :)

-thanks faithful listener-

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